Sunday 15 January 2017

BBFC Institution Research:

1) The BBFC is an independent non-governmental organisation which is founded by the film industry. They were set up in 1912 for films and have classified videos and DVDs since the Video Recordings Act of 1984. They are responsible for the classification of films and make sure that they are suitable for certain age groups. They have no link to the Government other than their designation of the BBFC as the authority for certifying video releases. The filmmakers have to pay an amount to get their films classified otherwise they cannot be shown in the cinemas. 

2 ) The examiners will sit through the film and will take down notes of any uses or mention of bad language, sex and drug references. They often use a interpreter for foreign films and  then produce a brief synopsis of the work and will then produce a list of any issues if it doesn't pass a certain age rating. 

3) The issues surrounding film classification is that you can't accurately judge the reception of the viewers. They also suggest that films such as this cause a desensitisation of the audience due to the over use of topics such as sex, drugs and violence. They may also feel that movies erode the sense of responsibility in some adults and shifts a viewer's sense of right or wrong. 

4)The Dark Knight generated a lot of media coverage due to it's use of gore and violence whilst being a 12A certificate. They thought that the violence was too strong for the audience and needed to be toned down.

5) They can have a little bit of racism, not promote drugs, not sensationalise imitable behaviour, not excessive strong language, nudity is allowed, sex is allowed without detail, sadistic or sexual threat isn't allowed, violence may be strong. 

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